潘建伟教授领导的研究组日前成功制备出了超纠缠光子薛定谔猫态,纠缠量子比特数目最高达到十个,刷新了纠缠态制备的世界记录。该工作同时还演示了薛定谔猫态在超精细位相测量方向的应用。这项研究成果发表在2010年5月出版的国际权威杂志《自然•物理》[Nature Physics 6, 331-335 (2010)]上。
如何进一步高效地扩展纠缠量子比特数目是量子信息领域的一个严峻挑战。潘建伟等人利用光子具有的多种量子自由度及自由度之间形成的超纠缠,实现了由五个光子极化状态和空间状态相干叠加形成的十个量子比特的薛定谔猫态,并在此基础上演示了基于纠缠的相位超精细分辨。这一成果的取得,使我国在多粒子纠缠研究领域继续保持了国际领先水平。该工作一经发表立刻引起了国际学术界的广泛关注。欧洲物理学会新闻网站physicsworld.com在该工作的电子预印本出现时即以“Physicists set new entanglement record”(物理学家建立纠缠新记录)为题具体报道了这一工作,称赞该工作是“发展实用性量子计算机的重要突破”。
Wei-Bo Gao, Chao-Yang Lu, Xing-Can Yao, Ping Xu, Otfried Gühne, Alexander Goebel, Yu-Ao Chen, Cheng-Zhi Peng, Zeng-Bing Chen & Jian-Wei Pan
Coherent manipulation of a large number of qubits and the generation of entangled states between them has been an important goal and benchmark in quantum information science, leading to various applications such as measurement-based quantum computing and high-precision quantum metrology. However, the experimental preparation of multiparticle entanglement remains challenging. Using atoms, entangled states of up to eight qubits have been created, and up to six photons have been entangled. Here, by exploiting both the photons’ polarization and momentum degrees of freedom, we experimentally generate hyper-entangled six-, eight- and ten-qubit Schrödinger cat states with verified genuine multi-qubit entanglement. We also demonstrate super-resolving phase measurements enhanced by entanglement, with a precision to beat the standard quantum limit. Modifications of the experimental set-up would enable the generation of other graph states up to ten qubits. Our method offers a way of expanding the effective Hilbert space and should provide a versatile test-bed for various quantum applications.