我系周涛同学获2010年度瑞士Chorafas青年研究奖。该奖项由瑞士D. N. Chorafas基金会设立,用于奖励欧洲、北美和亚洲等地的10个国家的18所大学遴选出来的最优秀的博士研究生,以表彰他们在博士研究生期间在科学研究方面取得的杰出成绩。每年奖励25位,每位4000美元。周涛同学是我系和瑞士弗里堡大学的联合培养博士生,导师分别是我系汪秉宏教授和瑞士弗里堡大学物理系张翼成教授,周涛此次是代表瑞士弗里堡大学获奖,获奖的题目是"Statistical mechanics of information systems: information filtering on complex networks"。
The Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation, established in 1992, attributes the Chorafas Prize on an annual basis to 18 partner universities in 10 countries world-wide. The prize is endowed with USD 4000, but the partner university may choose to split it between two students.
Prize winners are graduating doctoral students with an exceptional performance in their research. The aim is to help encourage significant future contributions to science and technology.
The disciplines in which applications can be submitted are as follows: Biotechnology; Bioengineering;
Biological and Environmental Protection; Economics and Finance; Information Technology; Mathematics; Medicine; Physics; Nanotechnology. The candidate should be younger than 30 years at the time of receipt of the doctoral degree attributed by the partner university. The candidate should be a student in the partner university, but could also serve as junior faculty, like teaching assistant or research assistant. Full-time faculty members (including Associate Professors) and students who have found full-time employment do not qualify for the prize.