

    日前,我系等离子体物理学科点的蔡辉山、王少杰、李定等人在Phys. Rev. Lett. [106, 075002(2011)]上发表论文,报道了他们在高能离子对撕裂模的影响方面的研究结果。该文章研究了通行高能离子对撕裂模不稳定性的影响,发现通行高能离子对撕裂模不稳定性的影响与其通行方向有关,且与其动量有密切的关系。通行高能离子提供额外的动量源或动量沉积来影响撕裂模不稳定性。对于同向通行高能离子,如果高能离子的动量足够大,撕裂模不稳定性将被抑制;反之,对于逆向通行高能离子,撕裂模不稳定性的增长率将被提高。此外,这篇文章还提供了利用同向通行高能离子来抑制新经典撕裂模增长的可能性。以下是论文的英文摘要:

   In contrast with the stability effects of trapped energetic ions on tearing modes, the effects of circulating energetic ions (CEI) on tearing modes depend on the toroidal circulating direction, and are closely related to the momentum of energetic ions. CEI provide an additional source or sink of momentum to affect tearing modes. For co-CEI, tearing modes can be stabilized if the momentum of energetic ions is large enough. On the other hand, the growth of tearing modes can be enhanced by counter-CEI. Further, a possibility to suppress the island growth of neoclassical tearing modes by co-CEI is pointed out.